Dust collecting system for WOODLAND a producer of wooden ladders
Posted: 31.10.2024
A case study of a completed project of dust extraction system with bulk solids conveying.
Another completed project – this time for a manufacturer of high-quality wooden ladders – the WOODLAND company. Among the most distinguishing products of Woodland are the certified ladders with strengthened structure. The company pays particular attention to the quality and durability of their products and has been delivering their products for over 16 years now.

The most efficient and automated system of dust extraction and waste handling make this project a truly tailor made solution. A central dust collector ODP-2SS-XLR-S, which replaced a few insufficient small dust collectors, extracts and filters 14 900 cubic meters of dusted air per hour and it is equipped with:
- a 18,5kW extraction fan
- 100 pcs of filter bags of total 139m2 filtration surface
- the superior energy saving reverse air regenerative system (filter bags cleaning).
The dust collector is placed higher on a structure which enables empting it with the use of a FZC-1000 rotary valve, then the collected dust is conveyed by a FTS-UO screw conveyor either to a container below or to a briquette press inside the building.
To prevent heat loss, the cleaned air is returned to the production hall. The whole installation is equipped with fire and explosion protection systems:
- vent panels
- explosion isolation flap valve Vigiflap installed on the dirty pipeline
- rotary valve FZC-1000 – the ‘air lock type’
- a dry riser installation.

Now, both the people and the machines are free from the tiresome dust, which results in measurable profits:
- significantly enhanced production process
- automated waste management requiring minimum service
- authentic safety of people and production halls with all the machinery
- longer and failure free operation of machines by elimination of dusted air and dust deposits.
Do you need effective, reliable and energy saving dust collection system?
Contact us: filrowent@filtrowent.eu